Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Did you enjoy the last week of May? ... 

After deliberating for just under ten hours, the jury found Der Furor guilty on all 34 felony charges in his New York hush money trial ... Der Furor, of course, views it as a disgrace; North Korea began sending balloons carrying loads of trash*, some including feces, into South Korea in response to South Korean activists' sending of food, medicine, and propaganda by balloon into the North; in Florida, Federal judge Aileen Cannon** refused to approve a gag order preventing Der Furor from making false and inflammatory comments about law enforcement personnel; as expected, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has refused to recuse himself from cases involving the January 6th, 2021 insurrection, despite widespread concern about his impartiality; and in Florida, a man who got lost in a forest and called the local sheriff's office for help was arrested when the deputies who rescued him discovered he was carrying drugs and had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. 

I thought we'd greet June with a collection of random cartoons from my yet-to-be-filed file ... 

It would probably be effective, but not any cheaper ...

Sometimes that seems like a really, really good idea ...

You can't be too careful nowadays ...

Mothers are the same all over ...

I've seen these monster trucks described as "PRVs" - penis replacement vehicles ...

This young man has a bright future in politics ...

Self-driving in the Old West ...

Updating the story ...

Unfortunately, there's no cure for that ...

That's been my experience with warranties ...

And that's the way it is, as Walter Cronkite would have said in earlier times ... I hope you enjoyed this week's potpourri.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Musical Sunday greets the new month.


* Contrary to early reports, the vile and offensive material carried by the balloons did not include transcripts of Der Furor's speeches and requests for campaign donations.

** Last month's Left-Cheek Ass Clown Award winner.


Mike said...

I've had 30/30 warranties before. 30 minutes or 30 steps out the door. Whichever comes first.

allenwoodhaven said...

Excellent! Especially liked the nice cancelling headphones. I could use several pairs!