Sunday, September 29, 2024

Poetry Sunday

I don't recall where I ran across this poem, and I don't have any other information about the "Annie" who is credited as the author. Nevertheless, it remains as timely now as it was when I found it in early 2021.

“The Enemy Is Within”
(An Acrostic for Nancy Pelosi)
by Annie

D eep Jan 20 sighs of relief
E dged out by fierce reality;
M adam Speaker does not
O rate with exaggeration.
C haos now
R esides in the People’s House
A s elected terrorists
C ircumvent metal detectors,
Y owling threats at “colleagues.”
N ever do we recall blatant
E nemies of democratic rule
E choing, even exaggerating, a
D efeated president’s worst lies,
S ubmerged in hellish unreality.
U ntil we citizens who
S ee what lies ahead
T urn elections
O n all levels toward
D emands for Truth
A nd Comity,
Y esterday will eclipse tomorrow.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

Mike said...

It's always fun to see my Senator fist pumping the MAGAts. Not!