Monday, January 27, 2025

Executive Orders and The Outrage Economy

Der Furor made a lot of promises to a lot of different constituencies while clawing his way back to the presidency. If history is any judge, he'll pay lip service to some, slow-roll or ignore others, and go balls-to-the-wall with those that personally enrich him or appeal to his baser instincts.

On his first day in office, Der Furor issued dozens of holy commandments Executive Orders on a wide range of topics. They fall into several categories:

The Sadistic, such as a crackdown on immigration and asylum seekers, whether legal or illegal, complete elimination of all DEI programs*, and the frivolous and unscientific designation of two sexes**; 

The Blatantly Unconstitutional, such as the unilateral ending of the birthright citizenship guaranteed by the Constitution

The imperial presidency Republicans wanted is in full swing.

And if one of his goals is to "rescue" an economy he seems to think (in spite of all evidence) is in free fall, Der Furor appears to be doing it by distraction, sleight-of-hand and providing full employment for those in the new Outrage Economy ...

A blizzard of lawsuits has already been filed by states and organizations, pushing back against Der Furor's mean-spirited blitz of useless, frivolous, unconstitutional, petty, dangerous, and sadistic actions. How much time and money will be spent on legal fees and hearings by individuals, organizations, states, and the federal government to litigate them all? How long will the courts will be tied up with lawsuits, appeals, appeals of the appeals, appeals of the appealed appeals, ad nauseam, to the detriment of other important, but routine legal issues? We're already one of the most litigious countries in the world ... we're cementing our place as #1.

How much good could have been done with all that money if it were spent on education, health care, infrastructure, and housing? Instead, we're spending it on Der Furor's Outrage Economy.

Want to profit from the new Outrage Economy? Invest in one or more of the following:

Immigration Law Firms
Court Reporting Services
For-Profit Prisons
Migrant Transportation
Construction Companies (specializing in giant fences, prisons, and courthouses);
Companies Manufacturing Advanced Surveillance and Security Technologies; and, 
Cybercurrencies Marketed by Der Furor, His Family and Business Associates (carries no guarantee of return, of course).  

And hurry to get one of those high-paying jobs with great benefits that will soon be available in agriculture, service work, and elder care once the people doing them have been rounded up and deported.

Have a good day. Hope for the best, plan for the worst. More thoughts coming.


* The basic idea of DEI is laudable, although a case can be made that many DEI training requirements (for example) were ludicrously overdone.

** I recognize that the issue of sexual identity is a complicated one, but waving a doctrinal wand is not the right way to address it. Besides, according the politically satisfying (to the right) but scientifically ludicrous text of Der Furor's Executive Proclamation, every American is actually female.

*** One should note that Der Furor himself, not to mention a number of his nominees for high-level positions, couldn't qualify for those clearances if they had to conform to the same standards I did.

† "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..." (14th Amendment, Section 1)


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to lowering egg prices and ending the ear in Ukraine on day one? He seems to have forgotten those promises a bit conveniently

Anonymous said...

The petty includes removing the picture of Gen.Mark Milley who had the audacity to criticize him less than 3 hours after his taking office

Mike said...


allenwoodhaven said...

Spot on. Unfortunately.