In yesterday's post, I offered an example of an action Der Furor's administration is quietly taking while you are distracted by the dead cats he keeps throwing on tables and the floods of ... feces ... he and his henchmen are pouring down on our heads. Today, I have another example.
It began when I told my daughter that I was thinking of going into DC to take part in the demonstrations against the lawless and unconstitutional actions of President Musk and his noisy Vice President, the Orange Airhorn. She thought it was the right thing to do, but advised that I closely read one of Der Furor's blizzard of royal pronouncements executive orders - number 14189, dated January 29th, 2025, and titled Celebrating America's 250th Birthday.
Who could object to celebrating America's 250th birthday, right? Well ...
Section 4 of this executive order reinstates Der Furor's executive order number 13933, dated June 20, 2020, which was revoked by President Biden in May, 2021. EO 13933 is titled "Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence," and Section 2(b) of that order reads as follows:
(b) It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that participates in efforts to incite violence or other illegal activity in connection with the riots and acts of vandalism described in section 1 of this order. Numerous Federal laws, including section 2101 of title 18, United States Code, prohibit the violence that has typified the past few weeks in some cities. Other statutes punish those who participate in or assist the agitators who have coordinated these lawless acts. Such laws include section 371 of title 18, United States Code, which criminalizes certain conspiracies to violate Federal law, section 2 of title 18, United States Code, which punishes those who aid or abet the commission of Federal crimes, and section 2339A of title 18, United States Code, which prohibits as material support to terrorism efforts to support a defined set of Federal crimes. Those who have joined in recent violent acts around the United States will be held accountable.
First of all, one might legitimately ask why Der Furor, in the last days of his prior reign, did not "prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law" the members of the mob that "destroy(ed), damage(d), vandalize(d), or desecrate(d) a monument, memorial, or statue within the United States or otherwise vandalize(d) government property* (i.e., the United States Capitol) ... and, in fact, pardoned them for their crimes**. That's a rhetorical question, of course - obviously, there are tiers of law and accountability that privilege Der Furor's supporters over everyone else ... despite their outraged howls that the government has been "weaponized" against them.
But the specific concern my daughter had about my participation in demonstrations is based on the very broad and unspecific nature of what constitutes criminal behavior under this executive order. What is a "lawless act?" Does participating in an otherwise legal expression of my first amendment right peaceably to assemble constitute "participat(ing) in or assist(ing) the agitators who have coordinated ... lawless acts" or "supporting a defined set of Federal crimes?" I'm reminded of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's classic reference to “the elastic evidentiary bar used by [Der Furor's] administration.”
Inquiring, worried minds want to know before exercising their rights.
Keep paying attention to the man behind the curtain and be careful how you protest. Your country and your rights are being stolen while your eyes just see dead cats as you tread ... water ... to stay afloat on the rivers of feces.
More worried thoughts coming.
* Executive Order 13933, June 20, 2020, Section 2(a).
** Proclamation 10887, January 29, 2025, "Granting Pardons and Commutation of Sentences for Certain Offenses Relating to the Events at or Near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021."
Unfortunately, you were wise to consider the after effects of attending this, or any, demonstration. His minions now have more actual power.
I realize how understated this is but he is a totally self centered, extremely stupid, completely amoral, thoroughly disgusting and actively malevolent excuse for a human being. Here's a conspiracy theory: maybe he's one of those alien lizard people who are taking over the world?
The irony of that order could choke a horse. Breaking and entering and vandalizing the Capitol wasn't really illegal because it was in support of Trump. There is no logic in any of it, just a blind lust for winning.
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