The death toll continues to rise in deadly
ethnic violence between Uighurs and Han Chinese in China's Xinjiang province (and, according to the Chinese government, it's all orchestrated from elsewhere...couldn't
possibly have
anything to do with their policies); a cemetery in Illinois is now a crime scene as police investigate the digging-up and
resale of burial plots; insurance giant AIG is trying yet again to pay some
$235 million in bonuses to executives in its financial products division...that would be the division that wrecked the company, leading the government to bail it out to the tune of about $182 billion; the Taliban in Pakistan may finally be
ready to talk with the US; and our top general in Afghanistan says he will need
more money and troops to prevail.
Well, at least you have Cartoon Saturday.
Yesterday morning, long after I'd finished my post about toilet paper, this cartoon appeared in the daily paper. I expected Mike would have gleefully posted it this morning, but I guess he's still soaking in the hot tub, recovering from his
construction mishap...

World leaders at the G-8 summit have once again taken firm action to address global warming. Sort of. I think the real plan they agreed on was more like this one...

I thought this cartoon was hysterical...but then, I have that degree in Linguistics I need to put to use occasionally...

One of our granddaughter Leya's favorite nursery rhymes is "
The Itsy Bitsy Spider," and it's fun to watch her work her little hands to mimic the actions of the spider and the rain. This cartoon was pretty timely...

I started my Facebook page a few months ago, and have enjoyed using it to reestablish contact with some of my old friends (sorry, Debbie, I meant
long-time, glamorous friends). I thought this cartoon was a very good look at how some people can get carried away with Facebook and other online social networking sites...

And finally, there's been much concern in some quarters about the real or imagined dangers of eating genetically-modified foods. As the old
commercial for Chiffon Margarine said, "it's not nice to fool Mother Nature" ...

And that's Cartoon Saturday for today. Take some deep breaths, relax if you can, and let's do this all again next week, shall we?
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
Where would we be without a great cartoon!
I almost emailed the "steak to the heart" one to you to ask "what the hell does this mean?' So as I read it again thinking 'what the hell does this mean', I did some investigation.
So a steak to heart caused a heart attack? That's still a stretch. Or is there something else I'm missing?
Sorry for killing a good liguistic chuckle.
And for all the people that think the english launguage is confusing, here's proof.
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