Then it'll be Monday again, and we'll start the whole professional kabuki dance one more time.
Yes, I'm feeling tired and cranky this morning, a condition not eased by the rain pouring down outside. Blergh, as Andrea would say.
So this morning, I've got nothing. I'm going to just skip today and start planning for Cartoon Saturday. I'm sure you'll understand. You can visit one of the other blogs for now, and come back tomorrow, when I'll be in a better mood.
In the meantime, I'm thinking about doing a one-time Q&A post like Jay has done. If you have a question you'd like to ask your favorite curmudgeon, ask it as a comment on this post or e-mail it to me - bilbo_the_blogger(at)yahoo(dot)com. If I get enough interesting, non-pornographic questions, I'll answer them in this space next week. If I don't, well, I guess I'll just write about something else.
For now, enjoy your Friday. More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday arrives to usher in the weekend.
What is the best lesson that you taught your children?
I was wondering if anyone would post our Friday 13 mascot? Glad to see ole Jason boy.
Yes, this has been a Blerghy week..but on Sunday I'm splurging and buying my Nook so I can read all kinds of free ebooks!
This was the longest "I've got nothing" post I've ever seen.
I think the weather has us all down. And while we don't have to shovel it, it's still oppressive. How DID people conceive before air conditioning??? (That's not my question -- more rhetorical). :)
My question: Why do you work at the Pentagon? (Not what do you do -- but why you've chosen to work there).
My questions: Where do you find your comics for Cartoon Saturday? What are your primary sources and where else do you find them?
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