Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cartoon Saturday

Once again, Agnes and I are on the road, so you'll have to do without the news summary. It'll be back next week. Trust me.

This week marked the beginning of a new school year for millions of children across the country. And in honor of that event, and the consequent sighs of relief heaved by millions of parents across the country, this week we feature cartoons about schools and education.

Information-age irony, yes ...

How many modern parents view their children's education ...

I think this would be part of the GOP's education improvement plan, assuming it had one ...

Sometimes, what's expected depends on the school ...

When school prepares you for the real world ... or not ...

Sad, but true ...

It's not always the students who have problems ...

Education in Texas, Tennessee, Kansas ...

Proud parents are universal ...

The value of a good education is not always immediately apparent ...

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts coming.



Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Great humor! Going back to school was with mixed emotions when I was young.

Mike said...

I sent the last one to friends that spend their days at BWW playing trivia.