And so, welcome once again to Cartoon Saturday!
I've had this one in my collection for decades...and we men have all been there...

Penguins are popular with cartoonists and moviemakers for some reason. Maybe because they look like snooty headwaiters or male ballroom dancers...

And who would we make fun of if we didn't have lawyers?

Even historical heroes can't get a break from cartoonists. With all the ridiculous BS in schools today about the irrelevance of "dead white males" and the literary and historical classics, I wonder how many people will really get the point of this great cartoon?

And finally, since I need to get into the mood for this afternoon's dance coaching session...

Have a good weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.
The bricklaying in the bedroom was hilarious!
I look forward to a view at your cartoon collection, but frequently I find I can't read the captions. And no, I am NOT ready for reading glasses yet (denial, denial, denial).
Have I mentioned lately that I love Cartoon Saturdays! Thanks for the smiles today. I needed them :)
KKTSews - Click on the cartoon and it will blow it up to readable size.
And ... the achilles heel thing is driving me nuts (not a far drive). I just saw it and can't figure out where.
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