A hundred thousand people may be dead in Myanmar, where the government is too suspicious of outsiders to accept help. They're going to dig for more bodies on the Manson ranch. Hezbollah is once again wrecking Lebanon.
The world's going to hell in the proverbial handbasket. The news is all bad. What do you do?
You turn to your old pal Bilbo and Cartoon Saturday to lift your spirits.
Two riffs on the same theme...

Some of the best cartoons are great because they take an everyday situation and put a silly twist on it. I love this one...

"Lio" is a fairly new comic strip running in the Washington Post, about a very strange young man. I think this particular Lio panel is hysterically funny, if about as black as humor gets...

And finally, remember what I said earlier about cartoons that put a silly twist on an ordinary situation? I think this one's a classic...

I hope you've had a good week and are making your plans to honor Mom tomorrow. In this space, as you might imagine, I'll have a few thoughts on Mothers' Day. Until then, enjoy Cartoon Saturday and remember - I'm always gratefully accepting great cartoons you may have to add to my collection...e-mail them to bilbo_the_blogger@yahoo.com.
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
I'm really enjoying this weekly cartoon post from you. Enjoy the weekend!
I saw the 'Lone Ranger' one on the 'New Yorker' calendar this week. It was a good one.
Gift's for Mother's day, birthday's, Christmas or whatever. As long as you have a 24 Walgreens close by there's no rush. What the hell, it's only 4PM. I've got 16 more hours to think about this. That's an eternity in 'guy gift buying' time.
Lio is running in the PG too. It's very odd, but funny.
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