Saturday, October 01, 2011

Cartoon Saturday

Happy New Fiscal Year!

Murderously anti-American cleric Anwar al-Alawki was killed in Yemen, apparently by a missile fired from a drone; hurricane Ophelia is headed for Bermuda; an airplane with 18 people on board has crashed in the mountains of Indonesia; Bank of America has announced it will impose a $5/month fee for users of the bank's debit cards, provoking the expected, but probably ultimately useless, consumer outrage; and Occupy Wall Street continues to occupy - where else - Wall Street to protest economic inequality.

Just another week in paradise.

I don't think I'd ever seen the Periodic Table of the Elements used as the basis for a cartoon, but now we've had it twice in one week ...

and ...

This is an idea whose time has definitely come ...

There's an app for just about everything, isn't there? ...

But sometimes, the jester gets the last laugh ...

Two takes on the classic police interrogation technique ...

and ...

I have a memory like a sieve, and so I always carry a notebook to write things down in so that I'll remember them. Then, of course, I lose the notebook. I guess others have the same problem ...

Now, here's a philosophy I can accept! ...

And finally for this week, a look at the ultimate wireless card ...

The first weekend in October here in Northern Virginia is off to a cold and rainy start, but things should pick up a bit later on. Agnes and I plan to do some dance practice later this morning, followed by dinner with our friend Nadja and another evening cutting rugs at the First Saturday Party at Forever Dancing.

You have to do something to stay warm, after all!

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good cop, good cop was a hoot!

Mike said...

I put things on sticky notes and lose them one at a time. There's one thing that I think I've forgotten to do from a long time ago.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Cartoon Saturday is always a treat. I love the element of surprise.