It's the last Cartoon Saturday for June ... and you know you need it.
At least 27 people were murdered by gunmen, apparently representing the so-called "Islamic State," who stormed a hotel in Tunisia on Friday, while gunmen also attacked a gas plant in France, decapitating at least one person and injuring several others and blew up a Shiite mosque in Kuwait; the worst drought in 100 years is threatening a massive famine in North Korea; Bristol Palin, daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate and conservative gadfly Sarah Palin, announced that she is pregnant, not that anyone outside of her family really cares; convicted murderer Richard Matt, who escaped from Dannemora Prison several weeks ago and was being intensively hunted by police, was shot and killed on Friday, while fellow escapee David Sweat is still at large; and Patrick Macnee, star of the classic television adventure series "The Avengers," passed away at the age of 93.
At a time when we really need some genuine heroes*, this week's collection of theme cartoons features none other than the Caped Crusader, Batman ...
It took a while for Batman to get just the right costume for his sidekick ...
And the final design may have had some considerations other than striking fear into the hearts of the bad guys ...
The famous Batman portrait ...
The Batsignal could come in handy in more ways than one ...
And it can appear at inconvenient times, too ...

Batman and Robin at the diner ...
The sidekicks always seem to get the scut jobs ...
And sometimes things aren't always what they seem ...
I have two more cartoons for this week not on the Batman theme, but too good to pass up. Some of you have already seen this on on my Facebook page ...
And, speaking of Donald Trump** ...
And that's it for this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday. Agnes and I are dog-sitting again this weekend, and - of course - it's pouring down rain outside ... so I need to find an umbrella and coax Clara into going for a walk before we get the severe storms predicted for later in the day. Gotta take care of the grand-dog, you know.
Have a good day. Come back tomorrow for Poetry Sunday. More thoughts then.
* You can read some other thoughts on heroism in this post I wrote back in August of 2012.
** No, please don't. Really.
Enjoy your walk and towel Clara off before she shakes inside. That "thank you for not running for President" is hilarious and so apt.
I really liked the last one especially.
Had to look up 'scut'. In the urban dictionary of course.
Absolutely love the "thank you for nor running for President"! American Gotham is excellent too.
Many thanks Bilbo!
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