Thursday, December 17, 2015

Three Things

I have a lot to do today and I need to get an early start, so I was looking for a simple topic for today's post. Enter my friend Marilyn (aka Wabbit), who put up this meme on her Facebook page - "Three Things." It's easy, it's simple, and here we go ...

Three Names I Go By:
1. Opa / Grandpa
2. Bilbo
3. Bill

Three Places I've Lived:
1. Pittsburgh, PA (my hometown)
2. Berlin, Germany (one of the most amazing places on earth)
3. Shreveport, LA

Three Places I've Worked:
1. The main language laboratory at the Penn State University Park campus
2. The US Air Force (23 years)
3. Jacobs Technology

Three Things I Love to Watch:
1. Ballroom dance competitions
2. Falling snow

Three Places I Have Been:
1. Panama
2. London, England
3. Oslo, Norway

Three Things I Love to Eat:
1. Corned Beef and Cabbage (the corned beef baked and the cabbage made according to Agnes's Bavarian-style recipe)
2. Sushi
3. Kassler (German smoked pork chops) and sauerkraut

Three Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Retirement
2. Christmas
3. Season 6 of "Game of Thrones"

Well, there it is: simple, easy, and quick, and you've learned a bit more about ol' Bilbo. If you want to copy this for your own blog, feel free; if you want to leave a comment using any of the Three Things, have at it.

Have a good day. Come back tomorrow, when we'll name our Left Cheek Ass Clown for December, and don't forget to cast your votes for the 2015 Ass Clown of the Year - balloting ends at 11:59 PM on December 31st, and we'll name the winner on January 1st, 2016.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

Retirement must be soon.....

Will you stay in Virginia, or migrate?

Donald Trump gets my vote for Ass Cheek.

Duckbutt said...

Three names I go by: Ed, Chuck, Daddy

Three places I've lived: New Orleans. Florence, AL, Knoxville. (Also Nome, San Diego, Tuscaloosa.)

Three things I've done: College professor, psychologist, radiopositioning navigator.

Trump for Ass Cheek plus the cloaca. He gets my dog's vote too.

Linda Kay said...

I'll be really interested to see where you will go, if you leave there, when you retire. Come on down to Texas....I know you would absolutely love, love, love the conservatives!

Mike said...

Does college count as living somewhere else. Otherwise three places I've lived are St. Louis, St. Louis and St. Louis.

Bilbo said...

Angel - we'll stay in NoVa, at least while the local grandchildren are small. After that, we're still trying to decide.