Saturday, March 20, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

I think I'll hurry up and get on with this before some dumbass tries to filibuster it ...

The Vatican announced on Monday that priests could not bless same-sex unions, calling any such blessing “not licit,” but said that the church should welcome gay people “with respect and sensitivity” without endorsing marriage between them; the World Meteorological Organization has decided to stop using Greek letters when the Atlantic runs out of names for hurricanes in future years, but has not yet made a decision on a recommendation to use the names of GOP lawmakers for particularly destructive storms; eight people, mainly women of Asian descent, were murdered and another wounded in Atlanta by a killer using a 9mm handgun; John Magufuli, the president of Tanzania and one of Africa's most prominent coronavirus sceptics, has died of Covid-19; and in San Francisco, an elderly Asian woman attacked and injured by a man who was apparently looking for an easy target turned the tables on her assailant, beating him so severely he had to be taken to a hospital.

This week, a look at how we've used technology to survive the pandemic. I've also included a couple of memes that I thought were particularly good ...

How things might have been ...  

Won't it be nice to go to concerts again? ...

I have the same problem ...

A man ahead of his time ...

The unfortunate side effect of bringing food to a virtual meeting ...

You really can do it all online nowadays ...

It's a valid question ...

The socially-distanced, technologically-enhanced dinner ...

How to make your toilet paper go farther ...

It works, but it really isn't as satisfying ...

And, as Walter Cronkite would have said, that's the way it is for Saturday, March 18th, 2021. I hope you enjoyed my little attempt to distract you from the cornucopia of bad news that surrounds us. Be sure to come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday, where we get things moving with a little Uptown Funk. More thoughts then.



John A Hill said...

I don't recall Walter Cronkite ever getting the date wrong.

Mike said...

It's nice of you to leave the wrong date so John's comment makes sense. It is pretty funny.

allenwoodhaven said...

God ones! Especially love the doughnuts for zoom and toilet paper slot machine.

And John is right but I didn't notice until he pointed it out.

Happy Spring!

Bilbo said...

John and Mike - oops.