Saturday, November 12, 2022

Cartoon Saturday

The election is over ... you can exhale now, if slowly.

Predictions of a huge "red wave" that would sweep Republicans into full control of government at all levels proved to be false as the voting revealed an electorate unhappy with the Biden administration, but not convinced the GOP would do any better and turned off by the extremism of many Republican candidates; Russia appears to have evacuated its forces from the occupied Ukrainian city of Kherson; noisy conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to pay an additional $73 million in damages for his baseless claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax; a large piece of wreckage from the destroyed space shuttle Challenger was found in the Atlantic Ocean by historians looking for the wreckage of aircraft from World War II; and a police officer fired from the Vallejo, California, police department after two shooting incidents was hired as a police officer in the town of Broadmoor, a mere 40 miles away.

This week, as the dust from the $8 billion midterm election still petulantly refuses to settle, I dug deep into the collection for some cartoons inspired by electoral politics, election funding, and the coming of the GOP Congressional Revenge Tour ...

If you're part of the 1% and still have money left over after bankrolling the party of your choice, you won't want to give up whatever remains ...

Wouldn't it be nice if the Federal Election Commission* would recall all the tainted money that funded the election? ...

It's a tossup ...

Tee, hee, hee ... regulations ...

The actual election fraud lies in how the campaigns are financed, how Congressional districts are drawn, and how election law is enforced, rather than in actual malfeasance by the voters themselves ...

The current Supreme Court is the modern-day equivalent of the Old West "hanging jury" ...

We're certainly paying members of Congress more than most of them are worth ...

Remember the description of the federal budget as a "satan sandwich?" This is an old cartoon made new again ...

More truth here than you probably are willing to admit ...

I think this is the actual birth of the "religious" right ...

And that's it for today's collection of cartoons - I hope I've managed to lift your spirits after the last few weeks of electoral madness.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts coming tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday returns.


* If you actually visit the FEC website, try not to laugh hysterically at the top banner that says "Protecting the integrity of the campaign finance process."


Mike said...

I was going to go to the FEC and make a comment. I decided it better to not do that.

allenwoodhaven said...

Spirits lifted. Especially like Satan Sandwich - hadn't heard the term before - and Intelligent Design problem. Thanks!