Monday, January 09, 2023

Bilbo's Updated Bucket List ... and the New Anti-Bucket List

You all remember what a bucket list is, right? It's the list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket." I published my initial five-item bucket list back in August of 2008, and updated it several times, last in August of 2017, by which time it had grown to eight items. Now that a few more years have passed, I've decided to pare my list down to four items:

1. Dance at the weddings of all my grandchildren. This was #1 on all previous lists, and remains the #1 item. 

2. Hold my first (at least) great-grandchild and read to him or her. This was #2 on the previous lists, and holds steady. No change. I love my children and grandchildren, and want to see and enjoy as many of my great-grandchildren as I can.

3. Visit Vienna (Austria), Warsaw (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic), and Budapest (Hungary). My original list had only two cities on it: St Petersburg (Russia) and Vienna. St Petersburg fell off the list when we visited there for two days during our 2016 Baltic cruise (back when we were still getting along with the Russians), and I replaced it with Warsaw, Prague, and Budapest. I'm hoping to get to Vienna, and possibly to one or more of the others, later this year.

4. Publish at least one book. This has been on the list since the beginning, but I'm closer now than ever. Last year I finished the first draft of a novel, which I'm still polishing. My nephew Eddie, who is a high school English teacher, has read it and commented positively. Perhaps I can start shopping it around by the end of the year.

These seem reasonable for a guy my age and in reasonable health, so we'll see how it goes.

But wait, there's more!

I recently saw a meme on Facebook asking people to post their anti-bucket lists ... lists of the things they would never do or, having done once, would never do again. I thought it was an interesting thing to consider, and have decided that my initial anti-bucket list would include the following: 

1. Smoke. It's a nasty, dirty, smelly, and unhealthy habit with no socially redeeming qualities. I never have, never will, and don't enjoy being around those who do.

2. Take "recreational" drugs. Reality is bad enough ... why make it worse?

3. Drink to excess. I love a good glass of wine or a well-made cocktail, and will never give those up. The last time I was well and truly drunk was in 1973, and I'm still embarrassed about it*. I'm never doing that again.

4. Vote Republican. I was a Republican for a long time, until I gave up in disgust during the second George W. Bush administration. The nation needs a principled and responsible conservative party to balance liberal policies which are well-meaning but sometimes unrealistic or unsustainable ... but today's Republican party certainly isn't it. If you liked the fascism of the 1940s, you'll love the "conservatism" of today's extreme GOP.

5. Skydive. I see no point in jumping out of an airplane that isn't on fire.

There are a lot more things I could put on this list, but I think I'll save them for another day. What's on your anti-bucket list? Leave a comment and let's share our nevers.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.


* As far as I know, the only remaining witness to that sorry event is my old friend Toni, who has the grace to remain silent about it.


Mike said...

I'll need time to think about an anti-bucket list but yours is a great start for mine. I agree with all of them.

Prague is an easy city to visit especially if you don't mind walking. Get a hotel in the middle of the city and most things are within easy walking distance.

River said...

I'm looking forward to holding my first great grandchild in March this year :)

Dave Peterson said...

Bungee-jumping. I will never, Never, NEVER jump off any object to bounce at the end of an extremely long rubber band.

And I'm with you on sky-diving. I used to say I'd never jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but we humans rarely make "perfectly" good anything, so I'll settle for one that isn't burning.