Sunday, April 02, 2023

Poetry Sunday

I'll be 72 years old this fall. On most days I don't feel that old, at least not after about 10:00 AM or so. But I find myself more and more reflecting about days past and friends gone and roads not taken*, much as W. S. Merwin does in today's poem ...

Old Man At Home Alone in the Morning 
by W. S. Merwin 

There are questions that I no longer ask
and others that I have not asked for a long time
that I return to and dust off and discover
that I’m smiling and the question
has always been me and that it is
no question at all but that it means
different things at the same time
yes I am old now and I am the child
I remember what are called the old days and there is
no one to ask how they became the old days
and if I ask myself there is no answer
so this is old and what I have become
and the answer is something I would come to
later when I was old but this morning
is not old and I am the morning
in which the autumn leaves have no question
as the breeze passes through them and is gone

"yes I am old now and I am the child
I remember what are called the old days and there is
no one to ask how they became the old days"

I don't care how they became the old days ... I care only that I lived them as best I could.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.


* Sorry, Robert Frost.


Mike said...

"There are questions that I no longer ask"
Like, doc, are going to stick your finger up my butt this year? Mine has stopped doing that. I guess after a certain age they don't care anymore. I still ask for the PSA test, butt I have to ask, otherwise, he won't check it.

River said...

I'm right there with you at 70, wondering where the old days went and why did they go so fast? but I am glad to still be here and see those who have come after, children, grandchildren and one great grandson, newborn.
I love your poem.