Sunday, April 16, 2023

Poetry Sunday

Reading is in the news a lot lately, not because it's fundamental to our education and our enjoyment of life, but because so many people are offended enough by what they read that they don't think you should read it, either. I wonder of what they'd make of this ...

Reading to the Blind Man 
by David Shumate 

We start with the classics. Homer. Shakespeare. Chaucer. But
he becomes bored and wants to read romances. Stories of
people adrift on the tides of their passion. He is afraid he is
missing more than sight. That there are continents of
emotions he has never explored. As I read, his lips move as if
he now can see the words. As if he were one of those lovers
about to collide. As if it were his hands on her breasts. His
body atop hers. He whispers for me to slow down. It has taken
him this long to get here. He would like to linger now for a

You don't have to be blind to imagine drama unfolding as you read. Isn't it sad that small-minded people would take that away from you?

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm turning you in to the library police.