Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Election Day

Today, Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, is Election Day.

Many people view elections like today's to be relatively minor, with local offices on which we're voting mostly confined to more or less unexciting contests like (as here in Fairfax County), members of the state Senate and House of Delegates, County Sheriff, Chair and members of the County Board of Supervisors, members of the Soil and Water Conservation Board, local school boards, and various bond issues. 

Because there's no "major" office on today's ballot - President, Senator, or Member of Congress, for example - a lot of people won't come out to vote. This is a seriously mistaken viewpoint, though, because our state and local officials have a lot more impact on our day-to-day lives than our national leaders. You may complain about the federal income tax, for instance, but you pay a lot more taxes and fees imposed by your state and local officials. Your state and county (parish, in Louisiana) govern the zoning around your home, the sales taxes you pay, how your children are educated, and whether you have an honest and effective sheriff's department or a corrupt, lawless minor tyrant (see Constitutional Sheriff).

If you only vote in national elections, you are ignoring the offices that have the most effect on your life. True, it's critically important to make sure that a corrupt and ignorant wannabe tyrant like Der Furor never again reaches the White House, and that gawdawful ignoramuses like Ronny Jackson, Empty G, Matt Gaetz, Louis Gohmert, Rafael Cruz, and the like don't get elected or re-elected to Congress. But do you want someone who wears a tinfoil hat and despises much of the population because they're the wrong color, religion, or sexual orientation making decisions on your child's education?

I am working today, as I do each election day, as an Election Officer at my local precinct. I look forward to greeting my friends and neighbors as they arrive to do their civic duty, as I hope you will do yours.

As the old saying goes, "we're all in the same boat" ... just make sure you have a voice in how that boat is steered.

Have a good day, and vote today. If you don't, you have no cause to complain about your government.

More thoughts coming. 


1 comment:

Mike said...

"but you pay a lot more taxes and fees imposed by your state and local officials."
Too many people don't have a clue.