Saturday, August 03, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

How many more weeks like this do we have to experience this year? 

The director of Project 2025, the widely-criticized blueprint for extreme conservative takeover of the United States government, has resigned after reports about its radical contents spread widely; in an epic meltdown, Der Furor demonstrated a toxic combination of racial insensitivity, divisiveness, and disrespect for wide swaths of America during a question-and-answer session at the National Association of Black Journalists; in a major diplomatic achievement, 24 US citizens and other individuals held in Russian prisons were exchanged on Thursday for eight Russians (one a convicted assassin) imprisoned in five different countries; in an attempt to attract votes from senior citizens, Der Furor has proposed an end to taxing Social Security benefits; and in Argentina, the government security forces have announced plans to use artificial intelligence to “predict future crimes” in a move experts have warned could threaten citizens’ rights ... a team from Project 2025 is reported to be en route to study the plan for possible use by future GOP administrations.

This week, we look at photography for the self-absorbed - a cartoon salute to the selfie ... 

It really isn't such a new thing ...

Like I said ...

And if you needed any more proof ...

How to get a ghost excited with the right selfie ...

One step at a time ...

It may be cheaper than the visit to the eye doctor ...

Well, it's true, isn't it? ...

I'm not sure I'd have gone for the selfie at that point ...

I can see it happening ...

There's always someone looking for more after reaching rock bottom ...

And that's it for this week's selfie-oriented cartoon collection. Feel free to take a selfie in front of it.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday longs for the good old days. Or what we thought were the good old days.



Mike said...

The original selfie stick is too true.

allenwoodhaven said...

Lots of fun today, started laughing at the first. I'd bet that "time to meet the family" has happened. Thanks!