Saturday, August 10, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

And another week swirls down the drain of history ...

Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate for the presidential election; Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said “it may be just and moral” to starve two million Gaza residents until Israeli hostages are returned, but “no one in the world would let us;” superstar performer Taylor Swift cancelled three shows scheduled in Vienna, Austria, after police foiled a plan by Islamic State activists to attack the sold-out crowds; slow-moving hurricane Debby caused catastrophic flooding across the southeast as it dumped feet of rain on the states in its path; and in Iraq, a new law proposed by the Ministry of Justice would lower the minimum age for marriage for girls to 9 and boys to 15, allowing parents to choose whether to follow religious rules or the civil court system for family matters. Who do they think they are, religiously conservative Republicans? 

This week, the cost of housing being what it is, I thought some cartoons about the real estate market might help you laugh when you can't cry ... 

In more ways than one ...

If you own your own home already, you'll appreciate this one ...

But it's convenient to the Olympic games for sure ...

A really good real estate agent can make the best of any situation ...

Right place, right time, priced to sell ...

I really miss the wonderful Piranha Club cartoons and my favorite character, crooked Uncle Sid Fernwilter ...

It's a valid question, given the scale of the investment ...

I could agree with all of those requirements, but I'd want to be close to a library, too ...

Is it a fixer-upper or a scooper-outer? Discuss ...

It's why they got a break on the price ...

And that's it for this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday ... at last you have something to smile about in today's real estate market.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Musical Sunday returns with a hint for more campaign contributions. See you then.



jenny_o said...

Hah! Love the tax assessors one - so bloody true :)

Mike said...

I've had real estate people tell me my house is a teardown. I'm not real motivated to put money into it.

allenwoodhaven said...

Love the pumpkin one, still laughing!