Saturday, June 30, 2007

Reaching Out and Understanding?

There were two interesting, related articles in different sections of this morning's Washington Post. The first, on page B3 of the Metro section, was titled "Proposal for an Islamic Envoy Brings Cautious Hope" (read it here: It discussed President Bush's plan to appoint a representative to the Organization of the Islamic Conference to improve America's battered image in the Muslim world and encourage more dialog between the two sides. While the general tone of the article was that Muslims were "cautiously optimistic" about the initiative, one quote in particular struck me: a Muslim parking lot attendant from Maryland said, "I don't think the U.S. is doing enough to have good relations with Muslims. They always blame Muslims for anything that happens, for everything that happens in the world."

Let's think about that statement for a moment.

If there is anyplace in the world where America is blamed for everything negative that happens, it's the Islamic world. Islamic television (al Jazeera, al Arabiya, etc) delivers a constant bombardment of anti-American denunciation, some of it earned, but most of it the most outrageous drivel lapped up by populations with no ability to filter (or interest in filtering) the informational wheat from the chaff of bigoted propaganda. Islamic newspapers and websites are the same - if it's bad, it's by definition American.

Now, let's consider why Americans might have a negative opinion of Muslims. Take a look at the number of terroristic acts committed in the course of a single week, then take a look at the perpetrators. Chances are that the vast majority were committed by Muslim extremists citing religious justifications for their acts.

Any questions?

The second article in this morning's Post was a small piece at the bottom of page C7 of the Style section, titled, "Mickey Mouse 'Twin' Killed on Hamas TV" (read it here: This article chronicled the death of the character "Farfour," a Mickey Mouse look-alike featured on the show "Tomorrow's Pioneers" - in a skit on the show, Farfour was beaten to death by an actor playing an Israeli official who wanted to buy his land. Sara, the teenage host of the program, told the audience that "Farfour was martyred while defending his land," and that he had been killed "by the killers of children."

The brutal and uncompromising actions of Hamas have been clearly in evidence over the last few weeks, and the despicable use of a childen's television character to incite hatred and violence in the young is beyond contempt. Does the parking lot attendant in Maryland who thinks Americans blame Muslims for "everything" know the effect that things like this have on American observers? Does he support filling the heads of young children with thoughts of murder and "martyrdom?" If so, he shouldn't need to ask why Americans have a negative view of Muslims; of not, he needs to open his eyes and educate himself a little better about the awful things being done in the name of his religion.

I for one don't wonder that Americans are fed up and disgusted with the lunatics of the Middle East. What I don't understand is why we are expected to make every effort to improve relations with and better understand people whose concept of civilization has stagnated since the seventh century.

No, wait - I understand why: because, peace be upon us, we stand to be beheaded if we do not unquestioningly accept and submit to a religion that brooks no question, no compromise, and no independent thought...and sees nothing wrong with killing us if we don't agree.

Who needs to do the reaching out and understanding, here?

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


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