Thursday, June 28, 2007

Victor Davis Hanson on Hypocrisy-vs-Civilization

One of my favorite commentators, historian Victor Davis Hanson, has once again hit the nail on the proverbial head.

In an article titled "Hypocrisy That Undermines Civilization" (read it at, Hanson skewers the hypocritical attitudes that are undercutting the rule of law and subverting the values Western civilization has painfully developed over many centuries. In particular, he decries the double standard that accuses the developed West for every ill of the world while giving a free pass to the racism, bigotry, and intolerant savagery so pervasive in the Middle East.

This is an article very much worth reading from a writer whose clear-eyed and analytical summary is impossible to refute without utterly ignoring the evidence. Read it and think about it.

Hanson's summary paragraph is worth quoting in full:

"Finally, remember that there is a reason why millions flood into Europe from the Middle East and to America from Mexico - and not vice versa. There is a reason why Democrats and Republicans don't shoot each other in the streets of Washington, or why blue-state America does not mine red-state highways. And there is a reason why a Shiite mosque in Detroit is safer in the land of the Great Satan than it would be in Muslim Saudi Arabia. It's called civilization - a precious and fragile commodity that is missed even by its destroyers the minute they've done away with it."

Think about it.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


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