For those of you who don't have the pleasure of snow for Christmas (yes, I'm talking to you,
Amanda), here are a few pictures of our neighborhood taken earlier today. It's 8:00 PM as I write this, and the pictures were all taken late morning and early-to-mid afternoon. It's been snowing ever since, and is still coming down heavily outside my study window. I think our total accumulation will be somewhere around 14 to 16 inches...maybe as much as two feet.
This first picture was taken from our living room window. Those white lumps in the foreground are our cars...

This is from the same window, looking across the street and up the hill...

This picture looks toward the woods behind the house, from our bedroom window...

And finally, this picture looks out onto our deck from the kitchen...

If you listen closely tomorrow, you should be able to hear my muscles creaking and groaning as I try to shovel all that snow away.
Being snowed in has its advantages. Agnes got a lot of work done in the house today, and we finished putting the lights on the tree and decorating it. The lights were problematic - we have a 100-light strand on which only the last 50 lights actually lit...but I discovered that a little percussive maintenance (that is, banging them on the floor) seems to have jarred whatever was wrong back into shape. The tree is now up and beautiful, and all the lights work. Maybe I'll put up a picture of it tomorrow.
But for now, I think I'm ready for an early bedtime.
Have a good evening. Regular posts resume tomorrow.
Tables on the deck are a good place to get a depth measurment.
I'll shovel the snow for you if you get me a ticket there :).
I think Aaron would be more than willing to help too.
Heard some areas around D.C. could get up to 18 inches.
Even though heavy snow is hazardous and you are house bound due to it, the pictures you took show a beautiful side to all this snow. Take advantage of the beauty and feast on hot chocolate as you click your camera.
Be careful with your back when you do any shoveling.
I think everyone posted snow pictures yesterday--what else was there to do besides shoveling it? The snow has stopped, the sun is shining, yay!
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