A jury has found
homeless street preacher Brian David Mitchell guilty of kidnapping and rape in the abduction of a girl who was just 14 when he took her from the bedroom of her home; a new
Taliban video appears to show an American soldier who was captured 18 months ago in Afghanistan, and remains in captivity; police are trying to determine how a North Carolina teenager whose body was found in Massachussetts died after apparently
falling out of an airliner; iIndependent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont yesterday
spoke for eight straight hours against the tax cut plan currently under debate in the Senate; and - in an amazing display of Congress's ability to focus on the most critical issues facing the nation, Senator Harry Reid is pushing
a bill that would give official government approval to Internet poker games.
It's enough to make you cry, if it weren't for Cartoon Saturday helping to lift your spirits.
Nessa liked this one ...
This one is a take on the old joke about the fellow who was injured when he ran into a harp... same punch line, more rooms ...
Mary may have had a little lamb, but George had ...
Victorian mysteries enter the 21st century ...

You really need to read the fine print in those travel ads ...
And finally, someone has figured out the essential truth behind that "trickle-down" economics thing that's supposed to help Real People by way of benefiting the upper crust ...

It looks as if it's going to be a little warmer this weekend, with some rain headed our way tomorrow ... no snow yet, thankfully. With any luck, I can get some Christmas shopping done, finish off our Christmas cards and letters, and get in some quality time with the local grandchildren.
Enjoy your own weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.
A seeing eye to eye dog would be funh!
Thanks for the laughs! Yesterday wasn't pleasant, so I really needed this!
Snow coming here tonight. (If you beleive the weather man.)
Wv: huderthi - I thin tha wasssss da hunderthi beer I hasd.
I liked the eye-to-eye dog too - very cute!
Mitchell sang as they read his conviction. Geez....
And that kid who fell out of the airplane -- so weird!
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