Cartoon Saturday - what else could better help you prepare for the end of the world or the prospect of a Sarah Palin presidency?
We lead off today with two cartoons riffing on the same theme ... the first is so obvious I can't believe it hasn't been used before ...

The underlying joke here has been used many times, including in a scene from Kentucky Fried Movie, but it's still funny in a dumb sort of way ...

Just yesterday in this space we talked about the Federal law which mandates clear writing in plain English (the follow-on law requiring plain Spanish will surely come after the next few semis packed with illegal immigrants arrive). You can, of course, get your English a bit too plain ...

Another clever cartoon based on an obvious, but not previously observed, pun ...

Clowns are always good for great cartoons, and I just added this new one to my collection this past week ...

Insurance companies are a prime target for cartoons as well, because it's otherwise hard to find something to laugh about with companies that offer such a low return on your investment (as I learned this week when I found out how little my insurance would pay for my last trip to the dentist) ... and since I don't care much for cats, this cartoon is a double header ...

Drivers' education for today's driver ...

I loved this one because it combined the obvious and the silly ...

And finally, you have to wonder sometimes about the degree of cognitive dissonance needed to be either a hard-shell, head-in-the-socioeconomic-sand Republican or a pie-in-the-sky ultra-liberal Democrat ...

It looks as if it's going to be a beautiful weekend for a change, so it's time for me to wolf down my breakfast and head out to the yard to do battle with all the things growing there that I didn't plant. If the world ends this evening, at least the lawn will look good.
See you back in this space tomorrow, after the world misses yet another ending appointment.
Have a good day. More thoughts coming.
Delightful...despite me being a fan of Ms Palin
Jean-Luc - you can afford to be a fan of Ms have a whole ocean between the two of you!
to Jean-Luc -- And a continent!! We could arrange a transfer...
Bill -- so why don't you like cats????
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