Stock up now, before those door-to-door missionaries come back ...

I haven't heard from Chrissy for a while, but perhaps a little discussion of poop might get her attention ...

And eViL pOp TaRt might appreciate this alternative take on laxatives ...

Actually, that's not a bad idea for those of us whose ears are clogged up from listening to political BS.
It's nice to know that there's help out there for those who need it ...

And ...

This one goes out to Heidi ...

Mike has been on a Steven Wright roll lately ... this headline is sort of Wright-esque, don't you think ...?

I remember years ago marveling at the availability of "real artificial snow" for adding winter touches to your home for the holidays. Perhaps you could store it here ...

Isn't it heartwarming when people go to great lengths to help out their friends ...?

I read a joke not long ago about a popular new dance called the Political Jive, in which you take one step forward, three steps back, sidestep to the right, sidestep to the left, reverse yourself, and repeat until elected (or re-elected). This might have been the story covering it ...

It's finally Friday! Tonight is the dance party, and then comes the weekend, not that I need it or anything. I am sooooo ready ...
Have a good day. Be back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday.
More thoughts then.
Paid to do it 72 times. My first thought was what does the wife look like?
That life like ice chest looks like it's up on its toes and about ready to run away.
These are a hoot! But what are Protestant wipes? I'm glad there's some use for laxatives besides mistreating children and possibly dogs.
I sad an ad for a product called Maybelline Falsies, and did a double take. No, these are not the usual figure enhancements; they are supersized eyelashes to look ubersultry. (Is that a word?)
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