Monday, September 01, 2014

Labor Day

Today is the first Monday in September, which here in the US of A is celebrated as the national holiday of Labor Day - the day on which we flock to stores for special sales dignify labor and celebrate the working men and women who built America. Politicians give speeches extolling the dignity of the common worker, while passing laws that gut unions, opposing affordable health care, and voting to eliminate unemployment insurance.

Businesses, for their part, celebrate by laying off workers, shipping their jobs overseas, and slashing wages and benefits.

Happy Labor Day, indeed.

Have a good day. If you have a job, congratulations. If not, good luck.

More thoughts tomorrow.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

I hope you have a great day, Bilbo.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Bilbo, we the self employed, are looking for a few good men to hire. Can't find 'em. Websites galore...even spent an outrageous amount for veterans thinking they may need jobs and we are so willing to train and they have skills. But no luck. No one wants to work for only - $25-28 per hr to start. Its just to start for heavens sake after training much more. But...No one cares about the fact that everything is given like benefits,clothing,vehicle etc. All say they don't want to work 35-40 hrs, they just want the money. I abhor those who send jobs over seas but I am now seeing why that labor force may be working for them. We are so disgusted but what we are seeing and talking to weekly. Its eye opening and sad as hell

Chuck the Grumpy Cat said...

At $25 an hour, I'd be in tall cotton.

Linda Kay said...

Interesting the difference of opinions here. I came from an area where unions were very strong, and every time they went out on strike the whole area suffered. And most of them weren't making nearly as much as the union guys. There should be some sort of balance between employer and employee. In our city there are lots of jobs, but they are low pay and seasonal. The rents are high because of the tourism. Rough!

Mike said...

The phone company keeps cutting jobs or sending them overseas. Another trick they have is AMDOCS. It's a foreign company that they own a 5% stake in so no one can say it's an AT&T company. They tell workers that they get to work for AMDOCS or they can quit. Then the workers become expense costs instead of capital costs. (tax dodge)

Big Sky Heidi said...

They're even paring back on minimum wage jobs

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Two great cartoons!

Brandi said...

Labor is in a sad state today.