Tuesday, March 14, 2017

We're Back!!

Yes, Dear Readers, Agnes and I are back from our vacation!

Between February 22nd and March 13th we took a 15-day round trip cruise from Los Angeles to Hawaii, spending a few days in San Diego and Los Angeles on the back end. In spite of some scattered yucky weather at a few locations in Hawaii and the cold I managed to catch en route, we had a great time ... although, as always, it's good to be home again.

Today, the emphasis is on dealing with the winter storm to which we returned, unpacking, and generally getting back to whatever passes for normal here at the Maison de Bilbo. I'll have the recap of our adventures, with pictures, coming up over the next few days, so keep coming back as I slowly get back into the blogging swing.

Have a good day. More thoughts are on the way.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

Glad you had a great time, Bilbo!

Mike said...

When you're retired is vacation more like a job? And are you now back on your real vacation?

Mike said...

Or did you just relocate your retirement for a few weeks?