Friday, August 30, 2019

The On-Crack Ass Clown for August, 2019

August is one of those months in which, because of the structure of the calendar, there are three available Fridays for the presentation of ass clown awards. This is a good thing, because in this particular August, the number of potential ass clown dishonorees is larger than usual*, from Der Furor (for suggesting the use of nuclear weapons for hurricane prevention**) to ... well ... lots of others, including the person we selected as

The On-Crack Ass Clown for August, 2019

and the award goes to

James Denardo

Mr Denardo, a resident of Stamford, Connecticut, was arrested by local police earlier this month after he tested his newly-purchased guns by shooting into a park where children were playing softball. According to Stamford Police Captain Richard Conklin, Denardo told the arresting officers that “he wanted to see how they [his new two-shot Derringer and 9mm Beretta] worked.” In the aftermath of the incident, a police representative said that Mr Denardo's pistol permit had been revoked and his guns and ammunition confiscated.

Although able to afford the two weapons, Mr Denardo was unable to post bond and remains in jail.

It should be noted that Mr Denardo purchased his new toys legally, exercising his Second Amendment right to pack heat with the smallest possible number of restrictions.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the On-Crack Ass Clown for August, 2019, is Mr James Denardo, truly a high-caliber individual.

Have a good day. See you tomorrow for the final Cartoon Saturday of August ... more thoughts then.


* Although, with the presidential campaign season picking up steam, we can expect a steady increase in the number.

** It really is a shame that he's no longer eligible for the award, because this would have made him a hands-down winner.


Mike said...

I read the article. Do you think if this guy was black he would be dead?

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Good Lord; what a doofus!

Grand Crapaud said...

Definitely poor judgment! Jerk of the Month and overall asshat!

allenwoodhaven said...

Stupid is as stupid does. Good choice, as always.