Friday, August 02, 2019

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for August, 2019

It's a new month, and a new horde of ass clowns clamoring for attention. At a time when every news cycle brings new and old candidates to the fore, it's always hard to make a single selection, but here goes ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with the usual flatulent blare of trumpets that we announce

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for August, 2019

and the winner - for the eighth time - is

Senator Mitch McConnell (R, KY)

Senator McConnell has won this award seven previous times, most recently in June of this year, usually for his resolutely partisan blockage of Senate action on topics other than GOP judicial nominations or his reliable (if sometimes tepid) support of Der Furor's latest outrage. This time, however, Senator McConnell has earned his award for his complete refusal to advance any legislation to protect our election systems and processes from foreign interference, despite the documentation of Russian interference in the 2016 election in the Mueller Report and in the report recently released by the Senate Intelligence Committee. His refusal to take any action on election security has led to widespread condemnation - including the allegation that he might be a Russian asset - and the trending nickname "Moscow Mitch." 

Senator McConnell defends his lack of action on the issue by citing election administration as the responsibility of the individual states, not the federal government ... in my opinion a weak cop-out, as the security of our elections is a matter of ultimate national security interest.

Oh, and lest we forget ... according to recent reporting, two major manufacturers of voting machines are contributors to Mitch McConnell's senate campaigns. Follow that money, why don't you?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, "Moscow Mitch" McConnell is named as our Right-Cheek Ass Clown for August, 2019. Nothing else needs to be said.

Have a good day and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. More thoughts then.


Note: because the question has been raised before and someone is sure to ask this time, the criterion for a lifetime award for superior ass-clownery (heretofore awarded only to Donald Trump) is ten total awards, either as an individual or as part of a joint award. Moscow Mitch is getting close.



Mike said...

It would be a hard choice to pick who I would wish to keel over dead, McConnell or tRUMP.

Dave Peterson said...

I'd go for McConnell, Mike - If Moscow Mitch ran the Senate like any sane person would, then tRUMP would be (at least partially) hemmed in on what he could do. But MM is aiding and abetting 45 quite shamelessly. So if he went away, we *might* get someone who'd act more like the Senate Majority leader should act!

allenwoodhaven said...

So sadly qualified... He's bound to get a lifetime award.

I agree with Dave, if you just had to pick one.