Friday, November 08, 2019

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for November, 2019

A new month brings us new opportunities to recognize superior* ass-clownery, and - for a change - it was very easy to make the selection this time.

We often say, and used to believe, that the United States is superior to other nations because we are a nation of laws, rather than men ... that justice is blind and the law in its majesty applies to everyone, rich and poor, strong and weak, equally. Of course, we all know that this isn't the case, particularly for those unable to afford food, rent, and medical care, much less high-priced legal representation in case of need.

But though we still think of ourselves as a nation of laws, the law nowadays seems to be more a collection of optional suggestions than of serious directives whose transgression can be punished. We see this clearly in our selection for this period.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, it is with no small amount of disgust that I announce

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for November, 2019

The group award goes to

The Scofflaws of the Trump Administration

In the course of my life, I have on a number of occasions been summoned to give testimony in court hearings. It has always been my understanding that responding to a summons is not optional, and that ignoring it results in one being found in contempt of court.

Nowadays, the contempt is being shown by many elected and appointed officials of Der Furor's administration, who refuse to respect subpoenas for one of two major reasons: (1) they're afraid of Der Furor and his howling followers; or (2) they believe they're not required to respond to a subpoena if they don't think it is "fair" or "legitimate," is part of a "witch hunt," or is otherwise displeasing.

Make no mistake, Dear Readers: if you or I ignore a subpoena, we'll be in jail before you can say "witch hunt." If you're a member of Der Furor's administration, though, you can thumb your nose at the law with complete impunity.

It makes quite a statement about respect for the rule of law in Der Furor's America.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the Group Award for the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for November, 2019, goes to the Scofflaws of the Trump Administration. Laws apply to unimportant and unconnected small fry like you and I ... not to them.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday returns.


* I'm not sure this is a particularly good adjective in this context, but you know what I mean.


Mike said...

Where is the Sargent at Arms of the House? Can't he send out a posse to round up the scofflaws?

allenwoodhaven said...

My understanding is that those defying subpoenas could be jailed. There are cells somewhere in The Capital. Personally, I think it's a good idea but don't expect it to happen. After the outrage and upheaval, it might turn out to be good for Our Democracy.

Saw an excellent political cartoon: The Constitution telling Der Furor "Read the Transcript!" (meaning itself).

allenwoodhaven said...

oops! Capitol!