Friday, December 06, 2019

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for December, 2019

There are so many ass clowns in so many different walks of life that I feel sad when I focus on those in the realm of politics, because it seems as if I'm shortchanging all those others who are worthy of recognition. Nevertheless, I'm turning again to the world of politics because one particular ass clown has been screaming - literally - for attention.

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for December, 2019

is presented to

Representative Jim Jordan (R, OH-4)

Representative Jordan is one of the most strident and full-throated defenders of Der Furor in Congress, and he was brought into the House Intelligence Committee to replace Representative Rick Crawford (R, AR-1) in order to energize the GOP defense of the president. His style of questioning witnesses in Congressional hearings is loud, rapid-fire, caustic, and usually insulting, and his assignment to the committee was designed to please Der Furor, who appreciates - indeed, thrives on - aggression and insult.

Rep. Jordan projects an "angry everyman" style, using a glowering facial expression and showy body language to create an image of righteous anger and refusing to bow to House tradition and wear a jacket and tie to business, choosing to appear only in a shirt and tie, with the tie pulled down and the top shirt button undone.

Rep. Jordan's participation in the impeachment hearing was clearly intended less to provide clarity and a search for truth and more to provide showy theatrics and sound bites while browbeating and insulting witnesses unable to respond in kind. He, and the other GOP members of the committee, asked no questions designed to ascertain the truth of the charges against Der Furor - their sole purpose was to attack the process, demean witnesses and Democratic colleagues, and muddy the waters to keep the American people from learning the truth.

As it happens, Representative Jordan is also a member of the House Judiciary Committee, giving him yet another platform from which to berate witnesses and thunder his anger not at the actions of Der Furor, but of the perceived evils of those who seek to bring him to justice.

Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Readers, The Right-Cheek Ass Clown Award for December, 2019, is presented to the eminently-qualified Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a man whose demeanor and style are antithetical to the traditions of the People's House. He's earned the opprobrium of men and women of good will everywhere.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. More thoughts then.



Mike said...

He is an asshole, isn't he?

allenwoodhaven said...

Absolutely eminently-qualified! A good pick, as always.

For this award, I always shrink my screen so I read your intro before I see you you picked. I guessed right this time! All the Republicans do a lot of yelling but he's the worst.