Friday, January 17, 2020

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE: This post was written at the beginning of this week. Recent events have led me to decide that I should have gone with my original front-runner, although I stand by the "worth" of the nominee I eventually chose. I believe that I may need - for the first time - to provide an out-of-cycle winner in the next few days. Stay tuned.


As we gather speed with our headlong plunge into the election year and the Hollywood awards season, the number of potential Ass Clown awardees is staggering. Many of you have contacted me to urge selection of your favorite nominees, one of the most frequently mentioned being Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Indeed, Mr Pompeo* was the front-runner for this period's award until he was shoved unceremoniously aside by the person who is - at this moment - a more "worthy" nominee. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January 2020

White House Communications Director
and Press Secretary
Stephanie Grisham

Although one must admit up front that there are easier jobs than that of Press Secretary to Der Furor**, one must also admit that Ms Grisham has more than filled the shoes of her predecessor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders***.

"I also think that in this day and age, with a president who has — so unorthodox in politics and has really rewritten the rules of politics. He talks to the American people via Twitter every single day and he talks to the press constantly during the week, constantly. Press briefings should be in the absence of the president and the president is just not absent. And I would say to those former press secretaries — White House press secretaries — they know this to be true: This president has probably spoken directly to the press more than all their bosses combined."

In addition, Ms Grisham defended Der Furor's tweeting of a faked photo of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Shumer, wearing Middle-Eastern headgear and standing in front of an Iranian flag, this way:

"I think the president is making clear that Democrats are parroting Iranian talking points and almost taking the side of terrorists and those who were out to kill Americans."

I would suggest that if Der Furor is making anything clear, it is that he is so morally bankrupt that he can see no difference between treason and principled opposition to his amoral, seat-of-the-pants style of governance. 

Well, it seems that if the administration is looking for money to build Der Furor's Magnificent and Totally Unbreachable Border Wall™, there's $183,000 that can be spared by simply eliminating the position of White House Press Secretary ... since it's not being used.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, White House "Press Secretary" Stephanie Grisham is the runaway winner as the Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2020.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. See you then.


* Who has already won this award twice.

** Such as emptying and disinfecting porta-potties.

*** A five-time winner in her own right.


Mike said...

Stephanie Grisham is keeping a low profile so she can get another job after she's fired.

Duckbutt said...

Doing nothing behooves a Trump employee.

allenwoodhaven said...

A good choice. I wonder who your other choice is.

I'd probably choose Kellyanne Conway for saying that people on tv are not under oath (so they can say whatever they want).
Too many thing that words don't have to have meaning. Combine that with a 24 hour "news" cycle and it's no wonder the public
is so poorly informed.

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