Friday, April 10, 2020

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for April, 2020

Most of the time I find myself whining about how difficult it is to pluck a single winner from the swirling cesspool of ass-clownery ... but not this time. This time the winner is so obvious that the citation just about writes itself.

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for April, 2020

is presented to

The Republican Party 

At a time of crisis, it's important for the nation to pull together, and for our elected leaders to work for the benefit and safety of all. The GOP has failed on every count. Consider ...

In Wisconsin, despite a raging pandemic, the state's Republican-led assembly and supreme court denied tens of thousands of people the opportunity to safely vote by mail in the state's primary election, forcing potentially ill people to congregate for hours, often in poor weather, to cast their votes. And the conservative majority of the US Supreme Court upheld the actions.

The Republican-led US Senate has taken no action on virtually every piece of legislation forwarded from the Democratic-led House of Representatives, instead focusing almost exclusively on packing federal courts with young, deeply conservative judges to ensure preservation of a conservative agenda for generations.

Der Furor has taken step after step to eliminate restrictions on his power and authority and limit the authority of Congress ... with not a peep of protest from Congressional Republicans.

Around the country, the GOP works to ensure that Congressional districts are gerrymandered to ensure their control of national, state, and local government despite frequently losing the popular vote*.

Republicans under Der Furor have systematically eliminated decades of efforts to provide us with clean air and water and safe products.

Republican lawmakers have consistently prioritized the interests of big business and banks over the needs of ordinary Americans, and have skewed tax advantages toward businesses and the wealthy.

Republican lawmakers have worked relentlessly to undermine and destroy the Affordable Care Act, denying health care to millions of Americans without offering any better plan to replace it.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the Right-Cheek Ass Clown dishonor for April, 2020, is presented to the Republican Party. Lincoln is turning over in his grave.

Have a good day and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. More thoughts then.


* The Electoral College greatly helps the GOP's ability to prevail in presidential elections despite losing the popular vote, as in the elections of George W. Bush and Der Furor.


John A Hill said...

Can't argue with that.

Mike said...

Couldn't have picked a better bunch of wackos myself.

allenwoodhaven said...

Well, when you put it like that...

Hadn't seen that brass knuckle Republican elephant. Very fitting.