Thursday, September 10, 2020

What the Next Generation is Learning

Der Furor has done almost immeasurable harm to this county in many areas: he has worked to wreck our health care system (in the middle of a pandemic); squandered the support and goodwill of our allies; enriched the rich while beggaring the middle and lower classes; and coarsened our discourse ... and all that's just for starters. The really sad part of it (aside from the fact that so many Americans who should know better are willing to forgive his excesses) is the effect his behavior and personality are having on our children and grandchildren.

I saw this meme on line the other day, and it really hits home:

What will our society look like when the last shreds of decency are gone from a generation that has learned the foul lessons of Der Furor? I certainly don't want to live in a country full of people who behave like him, but we may well do so.

Have a good day. Set a better example for your family than the fatuous, brutish, and ill-mannered ignoramus in the White House. 

More thoughts tomorrow, when we announce the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September.



Mike said...

Did you post this on FB? I mean the meme, not just a link. This is one that needs to be passed around as much as possible.

allenwoodhaven said...

Hadn't seen this one but it's certainly true. sigh....