Saturday, January 09, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

Well, 2021 is off to a flying start ...

The Congressional certification of the Electoral College votes was disrupted on Wednesday when a huge mob, spun up by fiery rhetoric from Der Furor and his enablers, stormed and vandalized the US Capitol Building; in the aftermath of Der Furor's incitement of Wednesday's insurrection, Twitter has permanently suspended his account, Facebook banned him from posting for the balance of his term of office, and Former Attorney General William Barr called his conduct "a betrayal of his office and supporters;" President-Elect Biden has named Judge Merrick Garland, who was stiff-armed for a seat on the Supreme Court by Senate Republicans during the Obama presidency, to be his Attorney General; and the intelligence agencies of multiple NATO countries are assessing that Der Furor deliberately attempted a coup and may have had inside help from federal law-enforcement officials.

Well, after a week like this, we really need some laughs, so how about a random collection of what I think are really funny cartoons? ... 

At my age, this is not as funny as it ought to be ...

What was your first clue? ...

Me, too ...

It sounds like the GOP quarterly poetry night, too ...

Those of us married to people who grew up using the Metric system can understand this ...

Yes, there are drawbacks ...

Well, after 2020 and the first week of 2021, I'd believe it ...

Depends on whether you belong to the Toga Party ...

Need you ask? ...

Roman Bingo ...

And there you go ... a collection of silly cartoons to help you get over the shock and anger of the last week. I hope it helped, if only a little.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when we celebrate the first Musical Sunday of the new year.



Laurie said...

No one is going to believe that week's summery!

Mike said...

Yes, aren't we all into consulting! :(

allenwoodhaven said...

Good collection! Forum or againstum? is great.