Monday, June 13, 2022


While doing the research for the daily historical note I publish on my Facebook page (an unexpectedly popular item, as it has turned out), I learned that today, June 13th, is the birthday of two Holy Roman Emperors: Charles the Bald, born in 823 CE, and Charles the Fat, born in 839 CE.

This got me to thinking about the unfortunate fact that we no longer give famous people descriptive nicknames. I'm not talking about the silly schoolyard taunts favored by Der Furor (who lacks the intellect to come up with anything better), but real, historically accurate and relevant nicknames. Why do we no longer bestow nicknames like those history has given to English King Richard the Lionheart, Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Wallachian leader Vlad the Impaler, and Viking warlord Ivar the Boneless?

Vlad the Impaler in all his glory.

Of course, I have a few suggestions ...

Former President Donald "The Prevaricator";

Senator Jim "The Bellower" Jordan; 

Representative Marjorie "The Immature" Taylor-Greene;

Attorney General Merrick "The Cautious" Garland;

Former Vice President Mike "The Obsequious" Pence; and,

Television personality Tucker "The Insane" Carlson.

What are your suggestions? Leave a comment ... history needs your input to ensure accuracy.

Have a good day and as good a week as you can under the circumstances. More thoughts coming.

Bilbo the Snarky


Stan Brown said...

Mitch "The Obstructor" McConnell

Elon "The Capricious" Musk

Mike said...

Lauren "Bimbo" Boebert

Anonymous said...

Former President Barack "The Megavanity"

Current pseudo-President Joe "The Pantload"