Saturday, May 20, 2023

Cartoon Saturday

While you were waiting for Congress to do its job, these things happened ...

In response to relentless attacks on the company by Governor Ron DeSantis, the Disney Corporation has decided to drop plans for a $1 billion office park that was slated to bring more than 2,000 jobs to Florida; GOP negotiators struggled to find a solution to the debt ceiling crisis that does not involve them, so that they can then condemn the Democrats for whatever they do; following back-to-back mass shootings earlier this month, citizens in Serbia - which has the fifth-largest ratio of guns per person in the world - turned in more than 13,000 weapons, including guns, grenades, and rocket launchers; researchers have found that the immense weight of buildings in New York City - estimated at 1.7 trillion pounds - is causing the city to sink at a rate of 1-2 millimeters per year, exacerbating the effects of sea level rise on the city; and two staff members at a Christian college in New York, both of whom have unusual first names, were fired by the college for including their preferred pronouns in their e-mail signatures ... the administration evidently feared that potential students and their parents would view such usage as a sign that the university was accepting of transgendered persons.

Since the country is clearly going to hell in a handbasket, I thought a few cartoons about hell, devils, demons, and the like would be appropriate for today.

Uh, oh ...  

Somebody hired the wrong architect ...

It's only fair ...

"People who ordered pitchforks also ordered ..."

You just can't escape death and taxes, can you? 

It's what seems to be served up a lot lately, and not just in Hell ...

You'd expect them to play the hottest hits ...

I feel that way sometimes during election season ...

I don't think that's how it works ...

It's the dress code ...

And that's it for this week's salute to the place of eternal punishment and its managers ... no, not Florida, although the heat might confuse you for a minute.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts coming tomorrow, when Musical Sunday dances onto the stage with the great Jonathan W. Astor ... see you then.



jenny_o said...

Very apt -- and funny

Mike said...

They're never going to get my rocket launcher! Or my flame thrower!

With those songs playing, those people should be dancing!

allenwoodhaven said...

"We consider that as time served." Brilliant! And I imagine demons don't like being butt dialed...

Always a pleasure; thanks once again!