Saturday, July 06, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

So much for July being any better than June ... 

The Supreme Court delivered a serious blow to the concept of equal justice under law by ruling that presidents have virtually unlimited immunity for prosecution for crimes committed while in office; former New York mayor and disgraced attorney Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred by the state of New York for lying repeatedly about the outcome of the 2020 election; Carlo Maria Vigano, an ultraconservative Italian archbishop and staunch critic of Pope Francis, has been excommunicated by the Vatican, on a charge of schism; President Biden is facing growing pressure to withdraw from the presidential race because of concerns over his health and mental acuity; and in Vietnam, the School of Management and Business at Hanoi's Vietnam National University has announced that female students must be at least 1.58 meters tall and male students at least 1.65 meters to be considered for admission, because it believes the connection between height and success is so significant that people who are supposedly "too short" should no longer be allowed to study.  

Since our politics are getting pretty hairy nowadays, I thought we might visit somebody whose hairy problems are a bit funnier - Rapunzel ... 

Ordering in bulk saves money ...

Things are tough all over ...

I guess it's easier than climbing the golden stair, as long as your balance is good ...

Ouch! ...

Rapunzel really gets down ...

It does make things easier ...

What was your first clue? ...

Have a seat ... this may take a while ...

Oops ... wrong tower ...

Hmmm ...


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, that I may climb the golden stair. No, not the ones in any of Der Furor's places.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday visits the Bard of the Yukon for a timely poem ... see you then.



jenny_o said...

I am upset on behalf of all short people! lol

I looked up the average height of Vietnamese females and males and those minimum heights required to study business are greater than the average. Imagine allowing only "tall" people to run businesses, not people with the actual ability to learn or understand how to do a good job . . .

Hmmm. Sounds kinda like a former president's situation.

Mike said...

I think I want Rapunzel to slide down my nose.

allenwoodhaven said...

Terrific! So any laughs, especially You're Early and Playing The Field. Thanks!