Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Geez, where do we get these weeks? ... 

Airlines, banks, and businesses around the world were crippled on Friday by a widespread Internet outage apparently caused by a security software update that did not work as planned; Der Furor was formally crowned as the anointed-by-God Republican presidential candidate at the GOP convention in Milwaukee;  Texas-based (of course) company American Rounds has installed ammunition vending machines at eight locations in four states, with more than 200 installation requests pending; famously deadpan comedian and actor Bob Newhart died at age 94; and in Wales, a man has been fined more than £2,500 (about $2,300) after a fellow fisherman noticed the head of an illegally-caught salmon sticking out from the arm of his jacket ... fortunately, he did not try to hide the fish in his pants, as he might have done in, say, Florida. 

With all the heat we've been having lately, I thought that it might be nice to have a collection of cartoons to remind us that we'll all be complaining about the cold in a few more months. Let's go with a look at the lives of snowmen* ...

Aliens probably like snowmen, too ..

A truly heinous crime ...

We've all had coworkers like this ...

How about a few cartoons about how famous artists would approach their snowmen? First, Leonardo da Vinci ...

Then Edvard Munch ...

And, finally, Michelangelo ...

That poor dog will be waiting a long time ...

Yep, it's time ...

Fair warning ...

We all need to settle down sometime ...

And that's it for today's Cartoon Saturday ... I hope it helped you feel a little bit cooler during this miserable heat wave.

Have a good day and a great weekend. See you here tomorrow for more thoughts as we observe another Poetry Sunday.


* And snowladies. Don't get your knickers in a twist.


allenwoodhaven said...

These are fun! Especially like the first one.

Mike said...

I found all nine at the snowman retirement home.