Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Farmers to the Rescue?

I found this very interesting article yesterday: Can Farming Save Detroit?

Detroit, of course, is the very poster child for dying cities - the collapse of the auto industry and years of mismanagement have left it a decaying shell of the vibrant city it once was. With the economy in its current state, there isn't much chance of reviving Detroit any time why not turn it into a giant farm? A man named John Hantz thinks this is a good idea, because it could "...restore big chunks of tax-delinquent, resource-draining urban blight to pastoral productivity; provide decent jobs with benefits; supply local markets and restaurants with fresh produce; attract tourists from all over the world; and -- most important of all -- stimulate development around the edges as the local land market tilts from stultifying abundance to something more like scarcity and investors move in."

Personally, I think it's a great idea. Rather than having a vast area of dilapidated and unproductive buildings that serve only as breeding grounds for crime, tear them down, plow up the land, and start growing things.

Of course, farming is hard work. Where will the farmers come from? Small family farms have been going out of business for years, leaving the giant agribusiness firms to take their places. Will they be interested in farming the ruins of Detroit or other failing cities? It's an interesting question, and one that may be a key to land use in the 21st century.

Read the article, and imagine yourself in bib overalls with a pitchfork in your hand.

It may be the picture of the future.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

Funny I read an article online that sad more farming jobs would be lost this year...wouldn't it be great to turn that around.

Mind you its all a pipe dream..but a nice one.

Leslie said...

The Amish have been moving West for years. Maybe they'd be interested.

Mike said...

Solor power and wind farms.

Mrs. Geezerette said...

The idea of turning vacant sections of Detroit into truck farms is in keeping with the green movement that encourages the consumption of locally grown food. I like the layout shown in the article with its domed gardens.

It is kind of exciting to think about how this idea could be adopted by other cities that have deteriorated areas and how it could create jobs for people who live in these areas.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Sorry, I've left my pitchfork elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think that is an exciting idea! I hope it pans out. I live in Las Vegas and am trying to get involved with local greening efforts here and support them. I would love to see our city go from Sin city to Green city. We have such an abundance of sun and wind.
Not that I mind sin all that much.
