Eleven people are missing after a huge
oil rig exploded and burned in the Gulf of Mexico; a man in Rochester, New York, allegedly tried to
sell his children on Craigslist; during a visit to Iran,
President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda called for a "nuclear-weapons-free world," while Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinenjad remained unimpressed; doctors in Spain claim to have performed the world's first
full-face transplant; and eleven suspected pirates have arrived in the United States to face criminal prosecution for
attempting to attack U.S. Navy ships near Somalia.
Just like the cavalry in an old Western, Cartoon Saturday rides over the horizon to your rescue!
First, a clever commentary on the state of political affairs...

So far, I haven't had any takers on my latest offer to send a real, handwritten, ink-on-paper letter to the first five people who ask. Last time, I had five takers in no time (
John, and my daughter). Closest I've come is Mike's suggestion that I could write to him five times, ha, ha. Do you suppose people still know what a letter actually is?

There's a strong push in many quarters to make broadband internet service available to everyone. It's so much faster than dial-up service. Or earlier levels of download speeds...

Two more looks at modern technology...first, a 21st century reimagining of Shakespeare...

And a tech factor that contributes to the problem of obese children in America...

Finally, yet another great crash test dummy cartoon...

It looks like it's going to be a nice day here in Northern Virginia, if a bit cloudy...could be another good time to pull weeds in the garden. Or sit on the deck and drink gin and tonics. Hmmm...
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
Thanks for the laughs today :)
"a man in Rochester, New York, allegedly tried to sell his children on Craigslist"
Wait. You can do that?
We had a lovely sunny day here - looks like all the ash has gone...
Loving Cartoon Saturday, ny dear Bilbo :-)
Particularly the downloading photo one :-)
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