Standard and Poor's credit rating agency has downgraded the credit rating of the United States for the first time in its history - from AAA to AA+ (of course, as Mike points out, this was the same agency that gave a AAA rating to all those "financial instruments" based on questionable home loans); thirty-one US Special Forces soldiers have been killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan; in Norway, a polar bear killed one person and injured four others participating in a school trip; speaking of Norway, the reprehensible and disgusting ass clowns of the Westboro Baptist Church have announced plans to picket the funerals of persons killed in the terror attacks in Oslo; and China, not content with keeping a very tight lid on anti-government dissent at home, is throwing its weight around to keep people in other countries from criticizing the communist regime as well.
I'd ask, "What's next?", but I'm afraid I'd find out the answer.
For a while, there seemed to be a rash of cartoons out there about cavemen (not including the silly Geico commercials). Here are a few ...

My personal favorite ...

And this one, which shows that people have always been ... well ... odd ...

I got a kick out of this cartoon, not the least reason being that it's closer to being topical than I'd probably like to admit ...

This one just showed up this morning on Miss Cellania's site, and I couldn't resist re-posting it ...

Welcome to Washington! ...

How our elected reprehensives seem to be getting their message across ...

I'll never look at my gin and tonic the same way again ...

When some smarmy, self-important politician tells you what "the American People" want, he may not be thinking quite of this ... but he should ...

And finally, I thought this one was just too clever to pass up ...

We had a great dance party at Studio One last night, with some old friends making an appearance after a long absence and the ladies demonstrating their mastery of The Language of the Fan, courtesy of eViL pOp TaRt. And I only stepped on my own feet once.
Around here, you take what you can get.
Have a good day and a great weekend. Monday will come soon enough. More thoughts tomorrow.
We're all going to be living in 'cave sweet cave' soon.
A great collection! I (We) can always count on you, Bilbo. I especially liked the second and the last. Thanks for the laughs!
The caveman on the park bench was surreal!
I'm trying to identify the artist of one of the cartoons you have - "You are now leaving your senses." I have a copy of it on a New Yorker desk calendar but I have not been able to find this toon on the NY site. And Google's search by image returns just one hit: your web site! Any help would be appreciated.
(The reason I want to do this is just old-aged obsession with details.)
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