But then, that's why you visit good old Uncle Bilbo ... to learn interesting and useful things. Or, at least, things that can help take your mind off all the scary stuff out there.
For this reason ... and because I'm suffering from creative constipation this morning ... let's roll out a topic I haven't used for a few years: Ask Bilbo.
Yes, Dear Readers, this is your opportunity to ask Bilbo anything you want. I will answer all questions that don't involve allegations of past intimate relationships with small animals, my shameful past as a Republican, or my true opinion of S&P, Congress, and the financial mismanagement industry (there are, after all, children who read this blog).
Post your question in the comments, or send an e-mail to bilbo_the_blogger(at)yahoo(dot)com. If I get enough questions, I'll answer them tomorrow. If not, I'll do something else. Whatever.
Operators are standing by ...

Have a good day. Answers to your questions tomorrow.
I have submitted my questions. I am particularly interested in your answer to my 3rd question.
Chrissy, I haven't seen your questions yet...and am particularly "interested" in what #3 might be...
What is pi squared?
I've gotten bored with the word verification game. Why?
What kind of drugs has Agnes been on all these years to put up with you? I want some.
How can the great Biblo run out of words. I've always thought of you as a quantitative verbologist.
Do you want to join my new political party, the conservative socialist independents?
@ Mike... Your political party sounds interesting. Is there a party platform yet, or some sort of manifesto? Send it along, okay?
banister1992 at gmail dot com
You always have great comics on Saturday. What are your usual sources? How large a collection do you have in your files just waiting for their chance to shine?
My favorite question to ask when people ask for questions - no matter the person or the topic - is "what's the speed of light?" It's especially fun to ask when it's totally irrevelant. I'll admit I've gotten some strange looks...
What effect do you think the U.S. S & P rating being downgraded from AAA to AA+ will have on th incomes of edcysiasts and bikini baristas?
eViL pOp TaRt: Check back tomorrow for your answer!
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