The deadline for the Congressional "supercommittee" to finish accomplishing absolutely nothing is just six days away; a man who claims to hate the President has been arrested after allegedly shooting at (and hitting) the White House; Lindsey Lohan's photos shot for Playboy magazine are said to be "brilliant" ... by Heidi Fleiss, the former Hollywood madam; the United States will soon begin rotating troops through a base in ... Australia1; and at least four people have been killed in severe storms across the American south.
Yep ... no question ... you need a big dose of Cartoon Saturday. Early, even.
We start off with three cartoons presented in sets of two ... first, perhaps God doesn't need to do His own smiting any more ...

... or, perhaps, He (She?) could just take a different approach ...

Two takes on a ... uh ... cutting edge theme ...

And ...

The possibilities of this theme are endless ... and mainly off-color ...

And ...

Remember the "Mobius Dick" cartoon from a few weeks ago? Here's the sequel ...

If you don't get it, check here.
I can see how our customs might confuse the first aliens to visit. From space, that is ...

Triangular relationships can be difficult ...

And finally, I've never really understood the appeal of tattooing ... and I've especially never understood the appeal of body piercing ...

And that's it for your weekly injection of cartoon humor. As I said, we'll be leaving in a few hours for Pittsburgh, and I probably won't have time to post this blog until next Monday morning (I hate it that NaBloPoMo is in November), so this will have to hold you until then. I'll be up occasionally on Facebook, for those of you who are my friends there, and the next post will have the pictures of the reunion weekend. Of course, without a wide-angle lens, the post-Thanksgiving dinner photos may be hard to manage, but I'll do my best.
Have a good day and a great weekend. Come back and visit this space on Monday.
1 A simmering hotbed of al Qaeda activity, no doubt.
Really excellent cartoons -- you came up with some zingers there, Bilbo. Having Cartoon Saturday is always a treat, and it can be a moveable feast!
I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful, and the Volkswagen-sized turkey is tender. Best wishes to you and your family
I didn't know you could sign up to win prizes for NaBloPoMo. But it's too late. :(
Great cartoons! And it's only Thursday!
The detective with the plug client.....hilarius!
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