Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Nostalgia's Not What It Used to Be

My friend Ken sent me an e-mail the other day titled "The Way Things Used to Be." It contained a collection of interesting pictures of people and situations going ... well ... way back. Here are a few of the more interesting ones (with my commentary, of course) ...

It's comforting to look at price lists from years ago, compare them to how expensive things are now, and think about how cheaply we could have lived "back then." Of course, those prices need to be considered relative to what people earned at the time ... and when you look at them that way, they weren't nearly as low as they look now. But wouldn't it have been nice to get that top of the line Nash for less than $1400?

In the 1950's, there weren't any cell phones - the coin operated telephone was the pinnacle of communications technology, and you weren't likely to have one in your car. It was nice to have the occasional place where you could call from your car ...

Remember back when we "wrote letters" rather than "sending e-mails?" Well, Mike doesn't, but some of the rest of you might. I can still remember sending first-class letters home from college for 4 cents, although they weren't picked up by this fellow ...

Things were pretty hairy back in the 50's. Of course, they were a lot hairier in the 60's ...

Nostalgia. It's not what it used to be.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

The 1950's were before the days of the mullet. I find girls' hairstyles such as the beehive from the 1960's to be amusing.

I wonder what that Nash translates to in today's dollars?

Grand Crapaud said...

Back at that time it was easier to repair your own car because there was less under the hood.

On the other hand, the minimum wage was $1.50 in 1965.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

What do you think we'll miss from today?

Aaron said...

Hey, the phone from car picture was in my neighborhood in Portland, Oregon.

Mike said...

I'm still researching a topic for the 'letter'. And I'll deliver it in person next time we visit DC.

Big Sky Heidi said...

I like my cell phone.

What odd haircuts for guys.