Friday, July 17, 2020

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2020

It hardly seems that two weeks have passed since we announced the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for the month of July, which we all hoped would be a better month than June. We were wrong about that, of course, and here we are - stuck in the middle of a July that is bursting at the seams with ass clowns screaming for attention. It’s always been hard to single out a single ass clown (or group thereof) for condemnation, but as America has gotten crazier by the day, so has the task of identifying our awardees. I’ve come close to giving up, but if I don’t do it, who will?

And so it is that I’ve once again put on my intellectual hip-waders and plunged into the churning muck of the moral and ethical quagmire that is 2020 America to seek out the second awardee for July (which, because of a quirk of the calendar, offers not two, but three award opportunities). Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, I give you

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2020

And the award is presented to

Der Furor

Yes, Dear Readers, I have finally found it necessary to suspend the lifetime achievement award I presented to Der Furor in October of 2017 and dishonor him yet again.

While I can, up to a point, sympathize with the feelings of many Americans that a change was needed in the direction of our national government, I am appalled beyond words at the blatantly corrupt and - arguably - traitorous actions of the utterly incompetent and useless buffoon they elected in 2016 and continue to support today.

In just the last few weeks, Der Furor has:

- Posed at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office with a display of products by a major campaign contributor in a shocking display of ethical bankruptcy (see photo above);

- Presided over the death toll from Covid-19 as it neared 140,000, while hawking useless remedies and consistently undermining the work and advice of scientists and medical professionals working desperately to save lives;


When I gave Der Furor his lifetime achievement award three years ago, I was already disgusted with his years of despicable behavior, long predating his inexplicable ascension to what was once the world’s most powerful job. In the three years since, he has ruined America’s standing in the world, wrecked the economy, demolished years of environmental protection, and turned our government into a kleptocracy that benefits the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of ordinary Americans ... all too many of whom happily let him get away with it. The man is a disaster of the greatest proportions, and the nation will take decades to recover from his inept, greedy, and feckless administration.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, Der Furor is once again selected for dishonor, this time as our Left-Cheek Ass Clown for 2020. Nothing more needs to be said.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. You know you need it.



Mike said...

That's the same creepy smile he had on his face when he had that special dinner with ... with ... old people problem here ... ... Mitt Romney. Whew! That was hard.

Grand Crapaud said...

Gosh, each week he manages to commit another enormity to add to his impressive asshatedness.

allenwoodhaven said...

He needs to be retired, asap. It's too easy to say, but what would Republicans have done if Obama acted like this? The 25th amendment would have been invoked long ago.