Saturday, November 21, 2020

Cartoon Saturday

Oh, dear gawd, make it stop ...

Der Furor's "elite strike team" of lawyers continued to spew evidence-free attempts to undermine the incoming Biden administration; in the face of raging rates of Coronavirus infections, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are encouraging Americans to stay at home and avoid large gatherings at Thanksgiving; police in the German capitol of Berlin have arrested a man suspected of sexually-motivated murder and cannibalism after a victim's bones were found in a city park; despite losing more than two dozen court cases, Der Furor's legal team continued its desperate attempts to overturn the results of an election Joe Biden won by more than six million votes; and in Wisconsin, accused murderer Kyle Rittenhouse claimed he used money from his government stimulus check to purchase the gun he used to kill two people and wound a third during violent demonstrations in August.

This week, as the weather gets colder and we turn to indoor pursuits, how about a few cartoons about the dancing of the horizontal tango? ...

It's all in how you look at it ...

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to draw this one ...

I saw a different version of this cartoon a few years ago in which the caption was, "Are you sure she's got a friend?" ...

I think this could be a little dicey, but ...

After you get to a certain age, it makes sense ...

Jealousy ...

Gives new meaning to the expression, "phoning it in" ...

Things are quite a bit different now than they were back in the day ...

Fun at any age, yes? ...

Well, at least you know the rules up front ...

Was it good for you, too? I hope so.

Have a good day and a great weekend. Come back tomorrow for the Thanksgiving edition of Poetry Sunday - more thoughts then.



Mike said...

When you get older there's a lot of things that don't happen.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good ones! Especially like the sperm comparison and who's God question.