Saturday, October 09, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

Geez ...

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia for their work defending freedom of expression in their countries; after weeks of bitter  negotiations the Senate passed a bill to increase the federal debt ceiling along party lines with a simple majority, and the House has agreed, kicking the can of fiscal disaster down the road to spoil the Christmas, rather than the Halloween season; a New Jersey man was sentenced to 160 years in prison after his conviction for using dating apps to lure and kill three women; President Biden has declined to invoke executive privilege to protect archived documents and records of Der Furor subpoenaed by the Congressional committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot; and in Japan, 20 emus escaped from a farm in Kumamoto Prefecture, and eleven of them are still at large, seeking roles in upcoming Liberty Mutual insurance commercials.

This is Week 2 of our annual Cartoon Saturday celebration of Halloween and all things scary. Last Saturday, we looked at cartoons featuring Godzilla. Today, we visit the quintessential scary guy - Frankenstein's monster ...

MAD magazine took off on just about everything ... including the Frankenstein story ...

Dr Frankenstein meets The Wizard of Oz ...

It may not have worked, but it would have been worth a try ...

Tomato, tomahto ...

The kids always get a charge out of him ...

If only it were that easy ...

It's complicated ...

Bwa, ha, haaaaaa!! ...

Yes, that can be a problem in a relationship ...

I can really relate to this problem ...

And there you have it: our salute to the world's most famous self-made man. Well ... sort of ...

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday. More thoughts then.



Mike said...

All I have to do is read a toon about having to go pee and I... I'll be back...

Anonymous said...

I am a member of the same age cohort a you.
"First, a disclaimer: my first vote for president was cast in 1972 for Richard Nixon, and I cast mostly party-line votes for Republicans until, in disgust at what the party had become, I voted for Democratic challenger John Kerry over George W. Bush in the 2004 election."

So tricky dick,the crooks excuse ford, addled ronnie raygun, perjurer poppa and finally the twits first run did not offened your sanity but finally the largest fiasco in US history. the Iraq war, finally, finally did turn your stomach?
You certainally must have had a strong stomach and rare natural talent for increditable tolerance for gognitive dissonce to take that long.
Question did you bring your thuglican delusions over might making right, pissing down economics and other inane thuglican dogme with you?
Was it that you wished to pull the D's further into the miasma of thuglican economic fantasy's while being such a po;itical coward that you surrndered what had ben your party to the lunatics rather then engage them in the name of reason and sanity?
Of course after you had helped create and pave the path for thuglican behavior of today you washed your hands and decamped.
A bit like ex mafiosa's making public exhibit of supporting churches to buy their way into respectable society.
Sorry no sympathy for those who helped lay the cornerstone of today's seditious amoral thuglicans.

allenwoodhaven said...

Great collection! Mad Magazine was a huge favorite in my younger days. Don Martin was a genius (of sorts)!

People are entitled to their opinions but Anonymous hasn't seemed to accept that yet.

jono said...

I really miss Mad Magazine.