Sunday, October 03, 2021

Poetry Sunday

Unlike most men, I enjoy shopping for groceries. I like finding a good recipe to try, building a shopping list, and scouring the local sources for the right ingredients. I'd never thought about checking out at the grocery store as a metaphor for life, but this neat little poem by Thomas R. Moore sets up the idea nicely ...

Finding Everything
by Thomas R. Moore

Did you find everything you were
looking for? Julie, the magenta-haired

checkout girl, asks, and no, I think,
I didn't find inner peace, or answers to

several questions I've been mulling,
like are we headed for nuclear war and

does the rest of the world think America
has gone bonkers and also, by the way,

I could not find the tofu bacon, and
the chocolate sorbet shelf was empty

(I did find canned pumpkin in aisle four)
but I am silent and smile at Julie who

seems to know what I'm thinking anyway
so I hold back and muse on the view

of the bay this morning when we walked
the dog and the parsnip soup we'll

make for dinner and realize that total
fulfillment probably jades the senses and

the bagger asks if I'd like help today
carrying my groceries out to the car.

I'm not old and decrepit enough (yet) that Kelly and Ahmed and Ashley and Doug and Bianca and all the other checkers at the local Wegmans offer help getting my groceries to the car, but the few moments of friendly contact with our front-end heroes and heroines is often a pleasant part of the day ... whether or not we're headed for nuclear war and an increasingly bonkers America. 

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

Mike said...

When they ask me if I need help getting my groceries to the car, I want to pick up one end of the cart and tell them "you get the other end, OK."